
terça-feira, janeiro 2

Com amor

I'm not going down on my knees
Begging you to adore me
Can't you see it's misery
And torture for me
When I'm misunderstood
Try as hard as you can
I've tried as hard as I could
To make you see
How important it is for me

Here is a plea
From my heart to you
Nobody knows me
As well as you do
You know how hard it is for me
To shake the disease
That takes hold of my tongue
In situations like these

Understand me

Some people have to be
Permanently together
Lovers devoted
To each other forever
Now I've got things to do
And I've said before
That I know you have too
When I'm not there
In spirit I'll be there

Para A.

Floribela.. a revelação!


A última crónica de António Lobo Antunes na Visão.


A Sic Notícias passou há dias uma reportagem sobre os últimos pastores da Serra da Estrela. Uma dura realidade para os poucos que ainda resistem naquele ambiente belo e inóspito, rodeados por dezenas de cabras e ovelhas e o fiel cão. Foi um trabalho comovente mas ao mesmo tempo trágico, que nos faz pensar sobre o "tal" sentido da vida e sobre o significado destas festas que acabamos de celebrar...
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